Hopeful, ever ambitious playwright looking for inspiration.
Follow me on my journey. Twitter: @theatre_project, Email: theatre_project@hotmail.co.uk

Monday, 9 July 2012

What is The Theatre Project?

I'm writing a play and I want YOU to be my inspiration. So pull up a chair, polish off your brain and let's create something wonderful!

I've always loved writing scripts, whether they be short plays, monologues or sketches, and it's been a long-standing ambition of mine to write a full-length drama - Enter The Theatre Project.

So what is The Theatre Project?

The Theatre Project is an experiment which explores the power of social media. It's a tool to enable creativity. A source of inspiration, collaboration and a new way of wrting.
- But more importantly, it's a method to guide my madness!

This project will hopefully form a body of research to assist with the writing of a brand new play about modern life - but in doing this I'll need your help...

I want to understand the world from YOUR perspective. Find out what makes you tick and how you relate to others. I want to hear your views and see life through your eyes.

In short, I want to know what contributes to the twenty-first century human condition.

To do this I'm going to use a variety of social media tools, including Twitter, Facebook and Blogger, to pose a selection of weekly questions related to drama and modern life. At the moment I'm wishing on a prayer that some of you lovely people out there will answer these questions to kick start the process (I'll probably be running competitions in the future as an incentive, if you like that sort of thing) but until then the questions will happily wait for you!

I'm also going to use this space as a sort of diary to update my progress, so that you can follow me on this little adventure!

Please join me, I'd love to hear from you!



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